Final Major Project Evaluation: Personal Working Practices

How was my time keeping? My time keeping could have been better for these projects. The Art31 brief was prioritised in the time it was set, as required for its shorter time allocated for completion, but ideally I could have used more of the time it was set for to work towards it, possibly expandingContinue reading “Final Major Project Evaluation: Personal Working Practices”

Final Major Project Evaluation: Good Design?

In what ways did you consider Designing Backwards or application of Systems Thinking to your project? I did not properly apply designing backwards and systems thinking through these projects. I can identify how design materials I produce are not likely to quickly become waste – the print outcomes I produced have been posters, which wouldContinue reading “Final Major Project Evaluation: Good Design?”

Final Major Project Evaluation: Visual Communication

In what ways does the visual communication/message of the piece meet the needs of the brief? The Art31 work needed to convey the positive energy of young creatives in the performance and visual arts, for an upcoming event named BounceBack. My visual communication choices started with the logo formed in part of a green textContinue reading “Final Major Project Evaluation: Visual Communication”

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