Creative Conscience: Final Submission and Mock-Ups

Title: SPEAK OUT – Kent Against Racism “SPEAK OUT” is a campaign which would be put forward to a local Kent audience on Instagram and would be promoted in popular public spaces with the use of a QR code linking to the Instagram page. The campaign is primarily intended to engage people who have limitedContinue reading “Creative Conscience: Final Submission and Mock-Ups”

Project X – Evaluation (Personal Working Practices)

How was my time keeping? I am satisfied with my time keeping in this project. I generally managed my time well by identifying what needed to be done over each day; pre-planning kept me from falling behind. I felt a particular need to keep on target in the group work portion of the project withContinue reading “Project X – Evaluation (Personal Working Practices)”

Project X – Evaluation (Good Design?)

In what ways did you consider Designing Backwards or application of Systems Thinking to your project? Due to gaps in my understanding of these terms and lack of prior experience in setting out a project with this as a guiding principle, I did not consider designing backwards or applying systems thinking to my project. IContinue reading “Project X – Evaluation (Good Design?)”

Project X – Evaluation (Visual Communication)

This evaluates the effectiveness of my design outcomes both for the group work in the inclusivity charrette, and my personal work for the Creative Conscience 2021 Equality brief. Both of these parts address issues of racism in the UK, addressing more subtly harmful forms which contribute to the systemic prevalence of racism which is notContinue reading “Project X – Evaluation (Visual Communication)”

Creative Conscience: Additional Designs and Adjustments

Following positive response to the campaign as it is, I want to add a few more parts to it to better represent what the campaign might look like. Firstly, I note that my current Instagram page for the mock-up does not give an indication of the video format, and I do not have a viewContinue reading “Creative Conscience: Additional Designs and Adjustments”

Creative Conscience: Improvements, Mock-Ups

As planned to link the benefit of providing a place for people to contribute their experiences and perspective on racism, I added a final extra slide to the campaign video informing the audience of this. I then produced a real-life situation mock-up for the video set on an Instagram page alongside the poster. This usesContinue reading “Creative Conscience: Improvements, Mock-Ups”

Creative Conscience: Poster Development Upon Feedback

Upon showing my poster with the quote and QR code, and the video, there are a few ways in which I need to consider adjusting the poster: I should consider removing the “SCAN ME” text from the poster by the QR code. QR codes have been commonplace for a while now so it may simplyContinue reading “Creative Conscience: Poster Development Upon Feedback”

Creative Conscience: Supporting Poster

To reach a public audience specifically in Kent in real life to engage with the online campaign video, I intend to design a poster with a QR code link to the video on the proposed Instagram page. The poster will match the colours and typefaces established in the video and use the “SPEAK OUT” logoContinue reading “Creative Conscience: Supporting Poster”

Creative Conscience: Developing Campaign Social Media Video

I need to adapt the first video concept above to follow the new identity and add a small section of evidence to the issue. Above I applied typefaces and colours from the logo. This is to be edited together with a song similarly to the video above, so that the message carries a certain dynamicContinue reading “Creative Conscience: Developing Campaign Social Media Video”

Creative Conscience: Logo/Identity

Before looking to improve and add to the campaign video, I need to establish a name and logo to form an identity to hold the video and any other associated design outcomes to. Above are some concepts first in naming the campaign. The areas to address are people identifying racism and speaking up (reporting orContinue reading “Creative Conscience: Logo/Identity”

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