Systems Thinking / Designing Backwards Notes

Design working process and outcomes are to be considered in a chain of consequences. Designing backwards one can identify what the impacts of anything used and produced by the designer might do – in particular where physical items end up when no longer in use – to be more socially conscious. “When we try toContinue reading “Systems Thinking / Designing Backwards Notes”

Essay (In)Authentic Ethical Branding; Organic Example, Influence; Further sources In other words, your perception of a product is based on a comparison between one brand and others. For you to form an opinion about a brand, you must consider the ones you trust, know what you like and decide if the brand’s products and look are appealing to you. “Ethical marketing practices byContinue reading “Essay (In)Authentic Ethical Branding; Organic Example, Influence; Further sources”

FMP Branding: Prominent Examples

In the interest of producing branding outcomes for my final major project, I first need to take in inspiration from a range of designs which stand as benchmarks, to identify what messaging I may need to put forward with branding, what clients might be identified and what might comprise a range of branded design artefacts.Continue reading “FMP Branding: Prominent Examples”

Misleading Branding

In what ways could advertising or branding be said to be a benefit or a disadvantage to society? Discuss with a specific reference to graphic design. How could branding negatively affect society? Environmental harm (climate change) – contributing excess plastics and other harmful material. Opposite: Active environmental benefit. Promoting racist, xenophobic and other forms ofContinue reading “Misleading Branding”

Essay: First Notes

Leading into broad research, first notes from information about what the essay process will entail: Potential problem: In a position of being committed to a subject with too few scholarly resources to form arguments.Prevention: Research should start broad and look for prominent examples, finding and keeping articles and other sources with potential use. Selecting theContinue reading “Essay: First Notes”

Design Context and Analysis Essay: Brief Analysis

To begin the process of working towards this brief, I am taking a closer look at the instructions and identifying my selected question to look into addressing. My research into the topic needs to be extensive to form the foundation of the knowledge I will need to address it, and to find the sources whichContinue reading “Design Context and Analysis Essay: Brief Analysis”

Design Context: Primitivism Part 2: Japonisme Inspired

In the context of this movement (previously explored), it could be interpreted that from the western white male perspective, art of foreign people was considered “primitive” (and in a way, even women, children, the disabled and the peasant/working class) were to be similarly looked down upon. Art produced by these groups diverged from conventions ofContinue reading “Design Context: Primitivism Part 2: Japonisme Inspired”

Design Context: Gender and Race Representation (Primitivism Extra)

I picked this piece out as an example of positive representation because it literally is putting out a message to encourage positive outlook on identity and diversity. Literally the design features one man so it can’t be an example of promoting a diverse range of people, but the imagery as a close-up of one faceContinue reading “Design Context: Gender and Race Representation (Primitivism Extra)”

Design Context: Primitivism Part 1: “The Primitive”

Background The context to Primitivism in terms of sexism in artistic visual mediums, as in this example, generally did not portray females in a way that represents diverse real women at all. Depictions of Goddesses of a idealised beauty, posing with fair skin fully exposing feminine features. This can be understood in that, as menContinue reading “Design Context: Primitivism Part 1: “The Primitive””

Design Context: Russian Constructivism

Context Russian Constructivism is the art movement associated with the period during and after the Russian Revolution, linked with Modernist values in favour of technological advancement and exploration into the avant-garde and politically engaged, as opposed to traditional illusionistic art of affluent high society. In this context, that high authority was the Tsar, which ruledContinue reading “Design Context: Russian Constructivism”

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