Project X – Evaluation (Personal Working Practices)

How was my time keeping? I am satisfied with my time keeping in this project. I generally managed my time well by identifying what needed to be done over each day; pre-planning kept me from falling behind. I felt a particular need to keep on target in the group work portion of the project withContinue reading “Project X – Evaluation (Personal Working Practices)”

Project X – Evaluation (Good Design?)

In what ways did you consider Designing Backwards or application of Systems Thinking to your project? Due to gaps in my understanding of these terms and lack of prior experience in setting out a project with this as a guiding principle, I did not consider designing backwards or applying systems thinking to my project. IContinue reading “Project X – Evaluation (Good Design?)”

Project X – Evaluation (Visual Communication)

This evaluates the effectiveness of my design outcomes both for the group work in the inclusivity charrette, and my personal work for the Creative Conscience 2021 Equality brief. Both of these parts address issues of racism in the UK, addressing more subtly harmful forms which contribute to the systemic prevalence of racism which is notContinue reading “Project X – Evaluation (Visual Communication)”

Inclusivity – Race: Copyright Image Changes

Following final feedback of the group work provo-type posts, potential issues were identified with using images that were not marked as available to re-use for non-commercial purposes. To address this issue, people in our group reached out to the original owners of the images, which could be identified by close inspection of references listed onContinue reading “Inclusivity – Race: Copyright Image Changes”

Inclusivity – Race: Group Work Review

How did the teamwork go in terms of Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing?  I feel the teamwork for the race group was successful and productive. When technical issues were sorted out, our group formed quite successfully. There was no single person dominating the conversations and controlling the direction of the project; ideas were put forwardContinue reading “Inclusivity – Race: Group Work Review”

Inclusivity – Race: Final Development of Provo-type Posts

Group discussion upon receiving feedback brought about final changes firstly in re-phrasing some statements and replacing others. We first worked on re-phrasing this statement based on feedback. The phrasing changes to use “you” instead of “people”, directing the statement at the audience. The phrase is added to slightly to turn it into a question andContinue reading “Inclusivity – Race: Final Development of Provo-type Posts”

Inclusivity – Race: Provo-type Posts Critical Feedback

The previous post designs were put forward to feedback from our peers and tutors. I put the slides above together to support the summarising presentation about the design process and message which was verbally delivered by Trianna. Critical feedback received, which will be considered in final development of the posts: In the statement “People mightContinue reading “Inclusivity – Race: Provo-type Posts Critical Feedback”

Inclusivity – Race: Continued Social Media Post Development

To make the designs more effective, the use of movement suitable to a GIF format was experimented with for the original designs. This seemed to make the image more likely to catch the viewer’s attention but noted that this seemed to add a sense of playfulness to the image which was inappropriate, so it wasContinue reading “Inclusivity – Race: Continued Social Media Post Development”

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