Stamps (Options Brief Photography) Final Submission

Please note that my blog evidence work uses the “Photography” category for the process to all work on both Conspiracy Theories and Stamps. The “Conspiracy Theory” category features only work for the Conspiracy Theories part of this brief, and the “Stamps” category features only work for that part of the brief. Stamps

Options: Photography – Evaluation (Personal Working Practices)

How was my time keeping? I’m satisfied that my time keeping in this project was an improvement on the previous (branding) project. This does come from directly having had more time to work towards the Conspiracy Theories brief, but also having followed a better design process by planning ahead which allowed more time for adjustingContinue reading “Options: Photography – Evaluation (Personal Working Practices)”

Options: Photography – Evaluation (Visual Communication)

I answer these evaluation questions for on both Conspiracy Theories work and Stamps. I kept these questions in mind throughout the project, though I address them in reflectively upon completion for these written responses. In what ways does the visual communication/message of the piece meet the needs of the brief? The conspiracy theories spreads, specificallyContinue reading “Options: Photography – Evaluation (Visual Communication)”

Options Brief Photography: Slideshow Summaries

The slides below are for an Interim Crit summarising my work in-progress, just for Conspiracy Theories, on November 24th, 2020: The slides below give an overview (aiming to demonstrate how I met the learning outcomes and my design process) of both the Conspiracy Theories and Stamps briefs. This is for the final hand-in crit onContinue reading “Options Brief Photography: Slideshow Summaries”

Stamps: Final Changes, Applying to Postcard

The changes I made to these final versions started with making the head mark slightly smaller. I observed from visual research that the mark varies in size, not a set in stone limit, and that this size would still certainly be large enough. It also serves visually to make the head mark a more similarContinue reading “Stamps: Final Changes, Applying to Postcard”

Stamps: Further Changes, Selecting Type of Stamp

Upon placing the images into the stamp sizes, I had identified which images I wouldn’t be pursuing. The three above images weren’t put to templates due to the issues I identified. The angle of the pansy and its distracting background were a problem; the above pink flowers image is certainly a worse option than theContinue reading “Stamps: Further Changes, Selecting Type of Stamp”

Stamps: Following Image Feedback, Finding a Stamp Template

Before setting out a template for the stamps, I gained feedback on the images which proved helpful in considering which images to use. This also reinforced the point that I should only be looking to use four of the images as long as there are four ideal options. Furthermore it was advised to me thatContinue reading “Stamps: Following Image Feedback, Finding a Stamp Template”

Stamps: First Photography Experimental Development

Here I am developing upon the first photography I took in experimentation, to provide stamps which promote the message of finding colour (the positive) when things seem bleak (a winter with COVID-19). Above are the three experimentation photos. Positive about these are the variety of colour across the three photos and clarity of the fineContinue reading “Stamps: First Photography Experimental Development”

Stamps: Flowers on Stamps Research Analysis

Taking a closer look at relevant stamps to the chosen subject of featuring close-up flowers, picking out what techniques are being used that I should take inspiration from. This will help to inform my designing process for the photographic stamps. Each stamp features a close view of a flower with detail to the type ofContinue reading “Stamps: Flowers on Stamps Research Analysis”

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