Conspiracy Theories Brief Analysis

Illustration or Photography: My Choice

I will pursue the photography option in the new brief as I enjoyed the photography work in a previous editorial project and would like to improve this skill. I appreciate the ability to work with photography and push the limits of this going beyond just taking photos, whereas I do not feel I have a developed illustration style and ability to meet this brief to the best of my ability in that direction.

The brief clearly establishes that I will need to research to inform my appropriate ideation and development for this project. Research will include both into photography in general and photographers relevant to the direction I take the work. Research will also need to give me a full perspective on the conspiracy theories I pursue for the project – which should be a decision I make earlier on to guide the project’s research. Experimentation of photography and other relevant techniques should also play a part when I have research respond to and as a general aid to my ideation.

My research will need to be critically evaluating content in relation to the brief’s problem, picking out aspects which inspire something I might be able to respond to or implement into my own work. Evaluation will also build up my understanding of what might signify towards my targeted message. Importantly this critical evaluation should be of my own designs as well, so picking out exactly what I include signifies to the audience, keeping on-message and avoiding any issues of misunderstanding or misinterpretation.

I will need to establish exactly who my audience is and establish some specific potential features or experiences relating to the audience. Subsequent design must be justifiable as aiming towards this audience.

I will research at least three conspiracies to produce at least three images. These images must be well-thought out in what they signify to the audience the message effectively, as this will mean so much for the grade final grade. The need for some excitement and setting apart from “normal” makes it clear that it will be essential to lean into the appropriate atmosphere of the conspiracies for the image and perhaps the book design keeping these images linked together. I think back to my editorial Subcultures work in how I brought out the gothic mood and signified it aesthetically and will in a similar spirit make sure that I maximise how I signify the conspiracies to make the design unique. I will need to make sure I have defined rules regarding the book pages, and not just produce three standalone images. I will need to be very well aware of the time given for this project and manage it will, as such I will aim to keep my planned output grounded to what I can very effectively achieve in the time, only exceeding three images if I can justify using my time this way. I will need to look to both the aspect of the photographer in producing the images and the graphic designer in putting this together, explaining my processes of both.

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